The 2018 Run, Walk, Roll hit several milestones as the Joseph Maley Foundation celebrates ten years of impact. The first 10-mile course was introduced, and many people joined us for the first time.
Co-founders Vivian and John Maley sat down recently to answer a few questions about the Joseph Maley Foundation…where it has been, what is happening in 2018 and what they see in JMF’s future. What Joseph Maley Foundation dates hold special significance for...
Joseph Maley Foundation programs continue to grow at an extraordinary rate in 2018, as we celebrate ten years of serving children of all abilities. The Joseph Maley Foundation just wrapped up our largest year of disABILITY Awareness programming. Students in...
The Joseph Maley Friends Puppet Troupe is a valuable resource when teaching younger audiences the importance of treating others with compassion and respect. “I play soccer. Can you play soccer like me?” “What kind of tricks can you do with your chair?” “I wear...
May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and has special significance for the Joseph Maley Foundation HOPE program. HOPE – Health through Outreach, Personal Perspectives and Engagement- engages individuals in valuable discussion and activities surrounding mental...