Members of the Junior Board of Directors spent part of their summer diving into their roles as Joseph Maley Foundation ambassadors. Their work furthers the Foundation’s mission to celebrate differences and cultivate inclusion in a variety of ways.

A “year-in-the-life” of a Junior Board member holds a number of different activities and responsibilities. Members gather each month to plan fundraising events, participate in leadership skills training, meet with local professionals to learn about various career paths, and network with members of the Foundation’s Board of Directors and Young Professionals Board to learn about the inner workings of a nonprofit organization.

Students are drawn to the Junior Board for many reasons. Several members are former puppeteers. Some began their relationship with the Foundation as elementary and middle school students participating in Disability Awareness programming. Current member, Jathan Pai recalls, “I remember all the hands-on activities we had during our Disability Awareness week at school. Those helped me understand more about people with different disabilities and made me want to become involved with Joseph Maley Foundation as a high school student.”

Others are excited about the opportunities for growth available through the Junior Board. “This is a way to meet new people AND expand my community views,” said new member Skylar Badman.

Fundraising is an opportunity for Junior Board members to learn about nonprofit leadership, and work together as a team to benefit the Foundation. According to senior Bella Basso, “Game Night is my favorite event because I feel like we ‘own’ it. We have support from adults, but we get the opportunity to plan and execute the entire event. This year’s event was a blast, raising over $1,200, and we also had a great time just having fun with one another.”

The growth and knowledge gained by members of the Junior Board of Directors doesn’t end when they graduate high school. Our goal for Junior Board members is to graduate with a passion for helping others, strong leadership skills, and to go into their adult lives as stewards of our mission to celebrate differences and create a more inclusive community. We have former Junior Board members who remain active with the foundation by donating their time, treasure, and talent, including serving on our Young Professionals Board and Board of Directors. We hope their time with us inspires them to stay involved in nonprofit work throughout their lives, whether that’s with us or with another organization.

Students in grades eight through twelve, who have a passion for service-learning and leadership, are invited to learn more about becoming a member of the Junior Board of Directors by visiting our website, or contacting Education Coordinator, Sadie Gelb at