We have an extra blog for you this week! Lindsey Hein, mother of four, passionate runner and host of the podcast “I’ll Have Another with Lindsey Hein”, was the 2018 Butterfly Tea keynote speaker. We asked Lindsey to share a bit about her experience as last year’s speaker, and why she supports the Joseph Maley Foundation. Keep reading to find out!
What was your experience like, as the 2018 Butterfly Tea keynote speaker?
I had such a wonderful time as the keynote speaker of the 2018 Butterfly Tea. I was honored to be asked to do it and everyone in attendance was so kind, caring and genuinely interested in the story I was telling.
Can you give a little teaser about what your speech was about at last year’s event?
Last year I talked about overcoming fear and not letting fear control or dictate your decisions in life.
How would you describe this event to an individual who has not attended in the past?
It was lovely and special and will encourage anyone who isn’t already on board with the mission of JMF to get on board with it.
What do you think is specifically unique about the Butterfly Tea event, and about JMF events as a whole?
JMF feels like family even after they’ve touched you only once. It’s a life changing organization and this is just one small way you can play a part in the larger mission.
Finally, at the Joseph Maley Foundation we like to ask people to tell us their “Why JMF”. Why they support us, why they put their time, effort, and heart behind our organization. Would you please share your “Why JMF”?
My “Why JMF” is because I believe that everyone should have access to equal opportunities to participate in all kinds of different sports and life adventures, and I believe the message JMF teaches to children of all abilities is done in a powerful, thought provoking and fun way.
Want to register for the 2019 Butterfly Tea on Saturday, April 27? Register here.